Successful complex spinal reconstruction for young man who had 5 lumbar surgeries elsewhere and could barely walk.

On Friday I also saw Jeff and his wife back for surgery.  We shared about Jeff’s saga a few months ago, and showed him walking up and down the halls in the hospital after surgery.
Jeff’s a very large young man, who had 5 previous surgeries done elsewhere, but still was getting worse, on very high dose narcotics, and barely able to walk even with 2 crutches!  His quality of life was horrible and getting worse, and the pain medication had become ineffective.  He had severe spinal stenosis and degeneration at multiple levels, and I did a several hour complex spinal reconstruction of the entire lumbar spine, all the way down to the pelvis / iliac wings.

He has done just great, and now can walk without falling, and really doesn’t need his crutches anymore.
He has tapered off the narcotics, and both he and his wife are starting a new life together.
Many answered prayers here.
They share their thanksgiving in this short video.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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