Starting clinic w a big hug!

I just saw Miracle as a new patient. She has cerebral palsy with
scoliosis surgery done years ago at Baptist.
She can't talk, but she sure can hug! She hugged me, as well as my 2
physician assistants.

We will be following her for her scoliosis and kyphosis. Her scoliosis
may be progressing since hardware was removed due to infection.
Getting all of her old films would be really helpful an. Mom will try
to get them. Hospitals often will discard films more than 7 yrs old.
Grab them if you can before they throw them away so your scoliosis
doctor can accurately measure change over time.

From now on, new Hey Clinic Rule: let's always start clinic with a hug!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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