Re: Question from 7th Grader doing Scoliosis Project: What causes scoliosis?


I am glad it was helpful!
Take care,
Dr. Hey

On Oct 14, 2008, at 7:41 PM, Emily  wrote:

Dear Dr. Hey,
    Thank you for all of the information. I greatly appreciate it. All of your facts answer every question that I need to know for my project. You helped me way more than the internet has these past few days. I will be sure to visit the website that you gave me. I know that with all of that information I am sure to get an A on my research project. I was really excited when I found out that we were doing projects on disabilities or dieseases. The first thing that came to my mind was Scoliosis.. Of course I asked my teacher if that was something she was looking for and she was excited when I told her that I had surgery this past summer. She even wants me to be in the school newspaper! I am also looking foward to my visit back to your office, I can’t wait to hear what news you have for me this time. So far it has been good. I am happy to be playing ball on my full schedual again.
p.s. I totally understand all the homework issues. I can not stand all the homework our teachers give.
                                                                  Thank You,

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