Poem from Postop Spondylolisthesis Patient to Dr. Hey: “It’s great to be alive!”

Today I received a poem via email from Irene, from Sanford, which can be read below.
I think this is only the second poem I have received in 12 years of practice, and this one is definitely a keeper.
I have, however, received at least a dozen excellent paintings and drawings and metal sculpture, along with countless small but special gifts that we have all over the office, except for a little Hawaiian Angel who sits over my desk at home, from my scoliosis patient from Hawaii.

Thanks so much, Irene, for your wonderful and heart-felt poem. You helped re-energize a tired surgeon at the end of a long week!

Dr. Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

Irene’s Poem:

Here is Irene’s Introduction and Poem:

I told you yesterday that I was composing a poem for you and here goes. I will probably revise it a dozen times, but that’s neither here nor there….so far, this is it. Irene _______

Ode to Dr. Hey

Before the surgery on my back
The ability to walk I did lack.
The pain was bad in my ham strings
And my legs went numb among other things.
I had to sit in the nearest chair
And I said to myself, “This isn’t fair!”
So my hometown doc sent me for an MRI
And said surgery was want I should try.
And that’s when I met Dr. Hey
A spinal surgeon who knew the way
To get me back on the walking track
And did the surgery on my back.
I once called him a brag-a-dossious
That’s when my back felt so atrocious
But you’ve done your job once again
I’m walking now quite free of pain.
I thank the Lord for all your talents
The way you work and stay in balance
You talk of degrees and of surgery time
And of all the patients now that are doing fine
And that’s OK now since I have been there
It’s not just bragging, for I know you care.
And I sing the praises of your PA’s
I’ve called Jaclyn on many days
She assured me that things were going great
And each time I called I got her, no wait
So I thank you, Dr. Hey, with all my heart
You knew what to do right from the start…
So now at the age of seventy-five
I can say, “It’s great just to be alive!
Irene _______

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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