FoxSports Ken Rosenthal Baseball Expert Talks About Scoliosis and Scoliosis Research Society (SRS.ORG) on TV Tonight!

I just got word that Ken Rosenthal will be speaking again tonight on national TV for National League Baseball about one of his important “Bowtie Charities” —  scoliosis and the Scoliosis Research Foundation (  SRS has been around for over 50 years, advancing scoliosis care for children, adolescents and adults all over the world.  I’ve been a member for years, and am actually writing this blog just before boarding the plane for Europe for our annual meeting in Bologna, Italy!!

As you can read from his story, he actually had scoliosis as a teenager, and had Harrington rod surgery as a teen as well. His daughter, a dancer, also had scoliosis surgery as a teen.

He will likely also be discussing / tweeting about the National Scoliosis Foundation (, which helps to promote early scoliosis detection and treatment to help decrease suffering due to spinal deformities, and also decrease need for scoliosis surgery.

2022 EST update
Ken Rosenthal did get a chance to specifically mention in a separate TWEET, he National Scoliosis Foundation:

“Another worthy scoliosis organization – National Scoliosis Foundation . Promotes scoliosis awareness and screening. Modern bracing and physical therapy can prevent suffering later in life. Catching scoliosis early can actually result in reversing curve”

Curvy Girls is another great organization that works alongside which helps with local support groups for girls and their parents with scoliosis. I had the pleasure of speaking at the Raleigh chapter of Curvy Girls recently, which was just awesome — 20-30 girls there, and their moms (and sometimes Dads!) — sharing some of the latest research coming out on the effectiveness of more modern 3D bracing and physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises (PSSE) such as Schroth Therapy. Many of the girls downloaded scoliometer apps and learned how to do their own screening!! One of the girls wants to help improve scoliosis screening across all of North Carolina, starting with her own city and county. Amazing. All of of these organizations (SRS, NSF, and Curvy Girls) do a phenomenal job, and deserve your support, small or large to promote scoliosis awareness, screening, research, innovation, and care

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