Emily now 6 years after scoliosis fusion surgery with no pain during first pregnancy! Some advice for scoliosis and kyphosis with pregnancy, with or without surgery.

One of the questions I address quite often is the issue of pregnancy with our without scoliosis surgery.  
In this email I received yesterday, one of my young adult surgery guests who had her scoliosis fusion done 6 years ago shares how well she is doing during her first pregnancy.
If you have had a spine fusion for scoliosis, and you are pregnant, or planning to get pregnant, it is very helpful to know how low your fusion goes, and possibly show your obstetrician copy of your X-Ray — It may help your obstetrician and/or anesthesiologist to guide possible epidural analgesia placement, or determine whether it is possible or not.
In addition, if you have scoliosis and you have not had it fixed surgically, be sure to get your scoliosis measurements checked soon after each pregnancy, so you can decrease chance of radiation to next new possible baby, while also determining whether or not there has been any progression of scoliosis or kyphosis during pregnancy.  There is some debate whether scoliosis or kyphosis tends to progress during pregnancy due to the relaxin hormones having effect on spinal ligaments as well as pelvis ligaments, combined with the weight of pregnancy pulling down on spine more.  I have seen several cases over the years where women who I was following for scoliosis or kyphosis had significant progression during one or more pregnancies. Bottom line: it’s probably a good idea to check it.  I encourage these “after baby scoliosis/kyphosis checks” also for another reason:  we all get to see your new baby at Hey Clinic!  ðŸ™‚

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery.—— Forwarded Message
From: "Emily
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 22:34:07 -0500
To: Lloyd Hey

Hi Dr Hey!

I hope you are well! I’m emailing to ask about a friend if mine- she’s a 29 year old  who just found out that she’s got a herniated disk between C5 & C6. It is pressing on the C6 nerve that goes down her right arm.  Is that something she should/ could come to you for?

News about me- I’m due with our first child (baby boy- "Barrett") in mid-March. I’ve had absolutely zero back pain so far, which is extremely encouraging. Thanks again for the amazing work you do for people like me!


(scoliosis surgical patient in Nov 2004)

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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