Email from my mother-in-law, reading Hey Clinic Blogs as opposed to watching football

I received a nice note from my mother-in-law, Sharon, who I performed an L45 decompression and fusion with instrumentation for a L45 spondylolisthesis with stenosis over 5 years ago.
6 months after her surgery, Sharon and her husband Richard toured the Southwest with us, and hiked the Grand Canyon.
The following summer,  Sharon and Richard joined us for a trip hiking through the Grand Tetons.
She walks 5 miles per day, and does gardening and dance.

As a funny coincidence, Richard developed similar symptoms to Sharon a few years later, and after several years of conservative therapy had to have the same surgery as Sharon.  His surgery was 2 and a half years ago now, and he called me a couple days ago to tell me that he took 3rd in a mini-marathon down in Florida for his age group.  Sharon also finished the race, but did it walking with her friends!

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery.
Here is her note she sent me earlier today via email:
Dear Lloyd,

I have just spent the first 3 quarters of the football game reading your web site and am more amazed today than I was with your abilities and concerns years ago.  Wow………………  you have done and continue to do such amazing feats.  So many people owe you so much for their pain relief and new self-confidence.  I am one of those.  

I will have to go back onto the site………. time now to cook.

Thanks for all you do for so many.

Love , a very proud M.I.L.

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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