Clinic on Wed and Friday this week. 15 yo twins with scoliosis.

We had 2 full clinics this week, on Wednesday and Friday, and saw many wonderful families.
On Friday afternoon, I saw a delightful family with 15 yo twins, both with scoliosis, and one with cerebral palsy.  Both of their curves were in the 30 degree range, and will need further follow-up.
While both of these children had scoliosis, and could easily have shared genetic factors which led to their deformity, their curve types are different, with the one young lady having a standard R thoracic curve, while the other had a longer curve more typical in people with cerebral palsy.
Bracing would not really be helpful for either of these young ladies, since they were done with skeletal growth.
However, they are both still at risk for curve progression, and need scoliosis follow-up every 6 months for next couple of years, and then annually thereafter.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh NC  USA

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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