“MC” 12 yo young lady about 48 hours after adolescent scoliosis (AIS) surgery walking the halls and now taller than mom!

On my evening rounds, I umped into MC outside Pat's room. MC had severe back pain w progressive scoliosis and had surgery Monday. Her rib hump is gone, shoulders level  and her back feels better already. MC and her family...

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Pat from South Florida w her mom and Dr. Hey standing up straight and tall a few days after major scoliosis surgery.

Pat looked great this evening and actually climbed stairs and walked up and down the hall w minimal assistance after lajor T5-iliac wing scoliosis reconstruction surgery. . She will be flying home on her friend's private jet back to Miami...

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55 yo w severe double curve scoliosis fixed today

Surgical time: 4 hour 49 min. EBL: 1100 cc Blood transfused: one unit packed red blood cells. Complications: none. Correction: excellent. Dr. Lloyd Hey Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery http://www.heyclinic.com

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