19 yo young lady w 46 degree r thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis w large rib hump fixed this am

T4-L1 instrumentation and fusion w posterior apical osteotomies. Surgical time: approx 3 hrs. Complications : none. Ebl: 250 cc Cell saver 120 cc Correction: nice. Hump is gone! Little Quinna recovering well over WakeMed postop day 2. Dr. Lloyd Hey...

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7 yo 9 month yo young lady with Rett’s Syndrome and 81 degree progessive Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS) Fixed this morning

We've been following this wonderful young lady and her family for past couple years with rapidly progressive early onset scoliosis.This morning, we got her straightened up.  Treatment options considered included growing rod, Shilla Technique vs. definitive instrumentation and fusion.  After...

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