Hey Clinic Postop Visit for Iona, who had severe kyphoscoliosis, and now stands up and walks straight as “Miracle Woman”: Video Interview 6 wks postop

Yesterday we shared some preop and postop photographs of Iona, who had major kyphoscoliosis surgery done by our Hey Clinic team at Duke Raleigh Hospital just 6 weeks ago.Iona came back for follow-up this week, and is doing just great.She...

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Taking the Time with Patients. A mom thanks Brittany, Hey Clinic Physician Assistant for her Compassionate Care of her Mom Yesterday

Dr. Hey,Just wanted to send you a quick email to express how wonderful Brittany was at an appointment for my mother, Grace ________ yesterday...Mom is one of your patients that you are monitoring on a yearly basis. She had recently...

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Hey Clinic Sep 12 2007 PM Surgery: 62 yo woman from Ocala FL with stenosis and instability above and below previous fusion

This afternoon, we took care of Judy, a nice woman from Ocala FL referred to us at Hey Clinic from Karen, who is from Savannah, Georgia. Karen heard about Hey Clinic from one of her friends, Denise, who had revision...

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Hey Clinic AM Sep 12 2007 Surgery: L1-S1-Iliac Wing reconstruction in woman with severe spondylolisthesis and stensosis

I just finished doing surgery on a Mildred, lady who had prior laminectomyfor lumbar spondylolisthesis, who had severe progressive back and leg pain,and severe difficulty walking. Her X-Rays showed a degenerative scoliosis with severe spondylolisthesis. Her MRI showed severe multilevel...

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Hey Clinic in the News: Recent Midtown Article “Take Care of Your Core” Interview with Dr. Hey

This article appeared last month in Midtown Magazine, reviewing how you can take better care of your "core", your spine, with preventive maintenance. You can enlarge and read each page by clicking on the image below.Page Leggett from Midtown Magazine...

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