Sep 26 2007 Hey Clinic Surgery: 38 yo woman with severe low back pain with severe degeneration L45 and L5S1

On Sep 26, we helped a 38 yo Raleigh nurse who had severe progressive low back pain, and poor quality of life with 2-level severe disc degeneration and facet arthritis (spondylosis). She underwent a 2-level instrumentation and fusion, replacing the...

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Andrea’s Adolescent Kyphosis Surgery Story

Andrea emailed me her story and some photos about her experience with kyphosis surgery earlier this year for me to share with you on the Blog. Kyphosis is much less well known in the general public, and among many pediatricians...

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Hey Clinic Team Photo: Happy Birthday Tracy!!

Today we celebrated Tracy’s birthday with a very special “protein bar cake” complete with candles. This gave us a chance to get our full Hey Clinic Team Photo! In back row, from L to R, we have Jaclyn (PA), Jennifer...

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