Hey Clinic Feb 25 Surgery: Bob with Degenerative Scoliosis and Stenosis and Todd with L45 disc herniation for microdiscectomy

Yesterday we helped Bob, who had a degenerative scoliosis, spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis. He is now doing great, postoperative day 1. His son is out in Seattle, and I wanted to send special greetings to you. This Blog is for...

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Jane 1 year Postop Scoliosis Thank You Note after Scoliosis Surgery , Hey Clnic. Adults can have successful scoliosis surgery, as well as adolescents.

Yesterday I received a very nice hand-written note from Jane, who I had helped with a complex scoliosis correction surgery a year ago. Her reconstruction went from T3 down to the iliac wing, with a multi-level lumbar laminectomy. I was...

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