Meeting Ann and Don in Costco yesterday!

------ Forwarded Message From: Don Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 19:50:23 -0400 To: Lloyd Hey Subject: O's Notes!!            Dear Dr. Hey,  How delighted I was running into you today....truly a small world we live in!!!!!                     After many years...

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Standing up straight, taller than Dr. Hey, and going home!

Mark is heading back home, out west to Idaho after kyphosis surgery a few days ago here at Duke Raleigh Hospital. Yesterday morning on Saturday morning rounds, nurse Terry took this picture of Mark, Ricki and I, 2 days after...

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39 yo gentleman w painful 71 degree thoracic kyphosis fixed today.

This athletic dentist came here from Idaho yesterday w his wife. He has had progressive painful kyphosis greatly affecting his quality of life. His surgery today went great. Procedure: T3-L2 instrumentation and fusion w multiple osteotomies. Surgical time: 4 hour...

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