Starting clinic w a big hug!

I just saw Miracle as a new patient. She has cerebral palsy with scoliosis surgery done years ago at Baptist.She can't talk, but she sure can hug! She hugged me, as well as my 2 physician assistants.We will be following...

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Severe kyphoscoliosis fixed today

This lady's rib cage was sitting on her pelvis w severe scoliosis, kyphosis and spinal stenosis. Her pain was very bad and walking very limited.We fixed her today w a T3-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with multiple osteotomies and 5...

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43 yo woman w very painful collapsing 54 degree double curve fixed today

This young lady was inspired by our Hey Clinic scoliosis guest who shared her picture paddling a canoe and her postoperative story on my blog.Her surgery went great today. Just finishes up.Ebl 2000 ccComplications: none.Correction; excellentSurgical time: 5 hrs 45...

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Long day, but worth it. Total spine reconstruction.

Joan had multiple compression fractures w surgery done out in westrern nc about 5 hrs away near Asheville. She continued to collapse, pulling out screws. She also had severe stenosis.I spent 5 hours straightening her up T2-iliac wing w osteotomies...

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3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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