5 hours later, the severe kyphosis is looking much better

28 up gentleman w chrohns disease w severe progressive kyphosis.Fixed today w T2-L3 instrumentation and fusion w multiple osteotomies.Correction: excellent.Complications: none.Evl: 750.Blood transfused: none.Dr. Lloyd HeyHey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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Failed 2 level dis replacements fixed today

This 50 yo gentleman had L45 and L5S1 disc replacements done in Germany and had some improvement for about a year. Since then, quality of life has gone to zero w severe spinal claudication and pain.Today we did posterior L3-Iliac...

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FW: Post Op visit picture 3/29/10

------ Forwarded Message From: CHARLENE Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 21:03:12 -0400 To: Lloyd Hey <> Subject: Post Op visit picture 3/29/10 Dr. Hey: Picture that Dave took at my post op visit on 3/29/10. Thank you and your staff...

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