Today’s challenge: 105 degree scoliosis in 11 YO girl

Surgery went great at WakeMed (for Carly with a C).Notice the lung compression on MRI. Her pulmonary function tests were abnormal.Nice correction.Surgical time: 5 hrs 8 min.Complications: none.Ebl: 500Blood transfused: none.Great day!Our 14 Yo scoliosis young lady from Monday (Karly...

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75 up woman from Fort Walton Florida w 67 degree curve fixed today

She had severe progressive back and leg pain w trouble walking and progressive deformity. T4-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion, laminectomies an osteotomies. Ebl: 1800 cc. Surgical time: 4 hr 30 min. Complications: none. Dr. Lloyd HeyHey Clinic

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14 up girl from Virginia w 59 degree Thoracolumbar adolescent idiopathic scoliosis straightened up today

3.4 cm Preop trunk shift to right. Surgery time: 3 hrs 25 min. Blood transfused: none. Complications: none. Correction: excellent. Mom and patient will be psyched w the correction!We did similar curve yesterday in 67 Yo who dis well and...

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Mildred from Naples FL w scoliosis, x-stops fixed today

Mildred had a 52 degree Thoracolumbar degenerative and idiopathic scoliosis. She was treated down in Florida w 2 level X-Stops. We fixed her today T5-iliac wing w L5S1 TLIF, osteotomies, laminectomies. You could really see the severe nerve pinch on...

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