Jim, retired University Professor, sends iPhone Photo and Thank You atop Diamond Head, Honolulu

I received this email yesterday from Jim, who sent me this picture and message from his iphone, atop Diamond Head.  I've included his preop and postop MRI and X-Rays.  He had a L2-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with multilevel laminectomies.Jim:...

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Hey Clinic Week In Review. We Eat, Sleep, Breath Scoliosis Every Week, Meeting Patients of All Different Ages and Sizes and Complaints!

 It's Friday night, and I just got a chance to put my feet up after a really good, but very busy first week of 2013.  Our scoliosis surgery this week included 15 yo Thomas, who had a 64 degree collapsing...

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Photo of Sabrina’s Backbend After Scoliosis Surgery — Back to College Sports. Bracing EOS. Back to Work 2013!

Sabrina is one of our college-age athlete swimmer who had scoliosis surgery with us, and is in training now down in Florida.  Her mom sent us this cool update with her doing a back bend after her adolescent idiopathic scoliosis...

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