Harrington Rod Adjacent Level Failure Years After Scoliosis Surgery. Revision Surgery for Pseudarthrosis.

We saw Charyl back in clinic Friday doing really well. She had failure below her old Harrington Rod fusion that she had for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.  She shares her story on YouTube video below and thanks the Hey Clinic and...

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Revision Kyphoscoliosis Surgery for Proximal Junctional Kyphosis and Residual Deformity in 19 yo young lady

This week we helped Amy, a 19 yo who had kyphoscoliosis surgery done elsewhere complicated by proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK), and residual scoliosis and kyphosis deformity.  This week we revised her previous surgery, removing the old hardware including the sublaminar...

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Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery from Georgia. When to get a Second Opinion for Spinal Deformity, Including Revision Surgery

I saw this lady in her 50's this past week who drove all the way up from Savannah, GA who had minimally invasive surgery for her thoracolumbar scoliosis done in Georgia.  This was performed after a lumbar laminectomy surgery was...

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More Patient And Family Stories from this past week

As promised, here are some more patient stories that have recently been shared at Hey Clinic.Ashlee is an adolescent who had scoliosis surgery for her idiopathic thoracolumbar curve 6 weeks ago with Dr. Hey, and is doing well.  She shares...

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