Jaclyn gives a short talk on adult scoliosis curve progression and pain with patient at Hey Clinic

We spend a lot of time at Hey Clinic listening to patients, examining, reviewing images, and teaching and learning with our patients and their families.This past week, Jaclyn, one of our Hey Clinic physician assistants took some time with one...

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“A Stitch In Time Saves 9”: Why adult as well as adolescent patients should be followed regularly for evidence of scoliosis and kyphosis progression

This past week, as always,  we saw several younger and older adult patients with scoliosis, as well as adolescents and younger children with scoliosis. There were a couple of adult patients, however, that were quite memorable. This patient pictured above...

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78 degree scoliosis surgical correction in 60 yo nurse practioner: Hey Clinic Surgery Nov 13 2007. Jac’s 2nd Anniversary w/ Hey Clinic

Today we helped a 60 yo nurse with severe progressive thoracolumbar scoliosis which has increased to 78 degrees recently with severe pain. Procedure:  T4-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with L1-5 laminectomy, L3 L4 osteotomies, L5S1 TLIF. Her surgery took approximately...

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Zachary goes home, sitting up straight!

Zachary is a 9 yo boy who had surgery six days ago at WakeMed in Raleigh NC for severe kyphosis, secondary to brain injury due to “shaken baby syndrome”.  He actually sustained a couple of thoracic fractures at that time,...

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Sylvia, who suffered with severe kyphoscoliosis shares her story and pictures after recent reconstructive surgery with Dr. Hey

We saw Sylvia from New Bern NC at Hey Clinic on Friday, who was looking great after her recent kyphoscoliosis surgery. She shares her story in this short video clip from clinic, along with photos of herself before surgery.You look...

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