Hey Clinic Nov 20 2007 Surgery: Preop/Postop Clinical Photos and X-Rays for anterior/posterior revision kyphoscoliosis surgery for woman with prior Harrington Rod Fusion

A couple week’s back I briefly described a complex anterior/posterior reconstruction we did for a very nice 54 yo woman from Florida (near Tampa). This young lady had a Harrington Rod instrumentation and fusion done many years ago, and over...

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Hey Clinic Surgery Nov 10 2007: 48 yo woman with painful collapsing 64 degree kyphoscoliosis, reconstructed T3-Iliac Wing Instrumentation and fusion with osteotomies.

It has been a busy few weeks @ Hey Clinic, and I am a bit behind on the Blog...sorry for the delay for our many loyal readers! Here are some preop/postop pictures for a nice young lady named Debbie from...

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Hey Clinic Surgery Nov 21: 54 yo woman sp Harrington Rod fusion years ago with kyphosis above and below fusion with stenosis: Anterior/Posterior Reconstruction with Osteotomies

Yesterday we performed a complex anterior L45, L5S1 cage instrumentation and fusion followed immediately by posterior T3-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with multilevel posterior thoracic osteotomies, lumbar osteotomies, lumbar laminectomies, and removal of old Harrington Rods for this 54 yo...

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