Ace Team. 10 yo 60 degree scoliosis and yesterday’s surgery

 Saw this 10 yo girl yesterday with very large double curve, who was picked up actually during an asthma flareup — good pickup by pediatrician.  Note her large lumbar hump and use of scoliometer.  She will need surgery this fall.

Yesterday we straightened up this 53 yo woman who was really suffering with a collapsing idiopathic and degenerative scoliosis.  Her surgery went very well, and we got a very nice correction.  She is doing well this morning, and smiled big time when she saw this X-Ray hanging up on her window. She did not need to go to ICU, and will get up walking today.

I had my ace Room 12 Team with me, including Motorcycle “Scrubs” Dan and Robert — two of my top techs who really enjoy working with our great team each week, 4 days a week doing scoliosis surgery here at Duke Raleigh.

This is definitely is a team sport.

About to scrub in on a really bad scoliosis shown below.  This lady is on big time pain meds, as she has suffered with collapsing curve.  Notice her severe sideways slip, called lateral listhesis.  This can cause significant back pain as well as severe spinal stenosis with leg symptoms and trouble walking. Spinal cord stimulator did not work.  Big day.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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