16 yo with painful idiopathic scoliosis, fixed yesterday

Yesterday we helped a 16 yo young lady named Sammantha who had a painful idiopathic scoliosis.
Her lumbar had a large compensatory curve, that was fortunately not rotated and was very flexible.
I was able to get an excellent correction, nearly 100%, and her rib hump is gone.
Her estimated blood loss was 500 cc (0.5 liter), and she did not receive any blood transfusions.
Surgical time was under 3 hrs.
Her mom was able to stay in her orthopaedic room the very first night, and each night thereafter, in a large private room with 2 full beds, at Duke Raleigh Hospital.
She did well today her first day after surgery.

Years ago I was taught that idiopathic scoliosis should not be painful, and if it is, there must be another cause for pain.
Since then, there have been several articles that have documented that idiopathic scoliosis is painful in many adolescents and adults with scoliosis, and may motivate some to seek treatment.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC 27609

One Comment
  1. spades


    id like to thank you for what you did for so. also she is up and walking with little pain.

    thanks for everything,
    ps: im her boyfriend

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