Valerie is up and around, and going home tomorrow now 1 3/4 inches taller, and looking nice and straight!

Valerie, a young lady who just turned 13 years old a few days ago, is now a little more than 48 hours after the adolescent scoliosis surgical correction we performed for her Monday.
She has been up walking the halls, wearing her pajamas and T-shirts, and visiting with family and friends.  She has been able to advance up on her diet, and has not had significant nausea.
Her posture looks just great, and all of her tubes have been removed by this morning.  She has required no blood transfusions, and has slept well, and has not been dizzy.  Her pain level, in general, has been quite reasonable with some pain and spasm medications.
She went to the Home Bound Room today, and got her height measured:  She was totally psyched to find out that she had a growth spurt Monday with her surgery:  she is now an inch and 3/4 taller than she was just before she came to the hospital!  By straightening out her scoliosis, she gained this additional height.  Her before vs. after posture shows a dramatic improvement as well.
Valerie is going home tomorrow morning, after one more session of physical and occupational therapy.
Valerie asked to get a picture with me, after I took a picture with her and her whole family.
Looking good Valerie!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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