Today’s Hey Clinic Scoliosis Surgery: 35 yo woman w/ severe double curve scoliosis

Just finished helping a delightful 35 yo woman named “Katie”, who had a very severe double curve scoliosis.  She has a 25 lb child, and has noticed progression of her deformity over past several years, but has always noticed her severe rib hump and lumbar hump.
She did very well with surgery today.
Surgical time:  4 hours 55 minutes.
Estimated Blood Loss:   2600 cc.
Blood Transfused:  None.
Evoked Potential Monitoring:  Normal Motor and Sensory throughout.
Correction:  Excellent.  Her posture at end of surgery showed dramatic correction of both “humps.”

Following surgery I got to meet w/ a couple of her sisters, but patient wanted to be sure that we shared her X-Rays so her other siblings and family members could get an update and see the pictures!

Due to the strength of her hardware construct, we will let her pick up her baby right away and advance quickly on her walking program!

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA

One Comment
  1. coleenehanson

    Dr. Hey is the best! He took great care of our sister and we so appreciate his caring and expert demeanor. His team kept us well-informed and we are sure she will have a great recovery!

    “Katie’s” sister.

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