Fwd: Update and photos. Scoliosis Revision Surgery Happy On Beach 6 weeks postop

From: Pauline <@yahoo.com>
Date: November 12, 2008 8:55:15 AM EST
To: “Dr. Lloyd Hey” <>
Subject: Update and photos

Dear Dr. Hey,
Hope all of Hey Clinic and Hey homestead are good this morning. We are having a wet, cloudy, and cold morning with promises of an even colder mornings for the next few days.
However, I am very grateful to be here, feeling great and very graciously thankful for such a wonderful and competent doctor and his staff.
I have been meaning to write this note for quite awhile, but it seems that each time I sit down to the computer I think of something that needs to be done in my household chores line!! I take pride in caring for my home. And, for the first time in quite awhile, I am able to do so. I cannot ever repay what you have done for me. You are the great enabler and a wonderful instrument in delivering the word of God as you diligently work to restore your patients to their fullest potential.
After we left your office on 10/23 (following my 6 weeks post op visit), we went the beach.
I walked on the beach and felt the sand under my bare feet, then I cautiously walked out to meet the waves. This was the first time since 1999 that I have felt confident and physically able enough to do this. This was one of my goals. To be able to feel the sand and water beneath my feet just filled me with over flowing Thanks to Our Maker and YOU. My hubby stood and held me while I cried tears of thankfulness and happiness. I just this minute realized I am crying as I write this! I am unable to tell family, friends and even total strangers how “how spiritual and competent my doctor is.” Since my first visit to you at
“Big Duke” in December 2002, I knew I had found someone who was capable and willing to help me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I hope these pictures turn out OK. The sea was quite turbulent the days we were there but this was also very beautiful.
We have so many blessings that it is impossible to list them all but I keep trying every day.
I will see you in December for my 3-month post op visit and I look forward to seeing all my extended family at Hey Clinic.
God Bless all of you.
Pauline A____ from West Virginia

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA
Member, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) http://www.srs.org

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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