Thank You Jaclyn Wagner, PA-C! You will always be a part of Hey Clinic Family.

Almost four years ago, a very spunky new physician’s assistant graduate and triathlete named Jaclyn interviewed with me for a clinical position with me at Hey Clinic. She fit in great with our team, and came on board right away, and very quickly became a spine expert clinician, able to handle our very young scoliosis children and their families up through some of our guests who are grand parents and even great grand parents! Since then, Jaclyn has spent countless hours helping families in clinic, taking plenty of time to evaluate and explain the problems, and helping come up with solutions. She has done a great job working with me and the rest of the staff as we formulate and carry out care plans including surgery, and seemed to remember everything about everyone! But most of all, Jaclyn’s compassionate heart has won over many families, and she has helped make a big difference in countless lives.
Jaclyn also now makes a big difference in her fiance’s life, and will be joyfully starting a new life with him in northern Virginia this coming week. While all of us at Hey Clinic, along with our guests will miss Jaclyn, she knows that she is always welcome back, and will always be a part of our family.
We have been blessed to find a wonderful physician’s assistant to replace Jaclyn named Jenny, who actually started with us a couple weeks ago to get trained by Jaclyn and Brittany and I. Jenny has a couple years of orthopaedic and spine experience already, and shares Jaclyn’s wonderful qualities of eagerness to learn, compassion, service, and energy. She is also a triathlete, and actually has already gotten plugged in to the pool where Jaclyn used to train. We are excited to have you join our team, Jenny!
We had a beautiful going away party for Jaclyn last Friday including significant others that Shelbi in our office organized, which was a wonderful celebration of Jaclyn’s contribution to Hey Clinic and our many guests. But I am sure many of our guests have not had a chance to express their thanks to Jaclyn, and might choose to leave her a quick message of thanks here as a comment, or on the Hey Clinic Facebook page. It truly takes a full team to deliver excellent scoliosis and spine care, and we’ve been blessed with a great one.
Thank you, Jaclyn, for pouring out your heart and mind and strength to serve our guests with excellence the past 4 years at Hey Clinic. We all wish you the best, and the door is always open. Come back to see us often!
Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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