The way to Dr. Hey’s heart: Coffee! Many thanks for generous gift from Lexi’s family for surgery video.

Yesterday I received an awesome thank you note and gift from Lexi and her family.

Stephen, our Hey Clinic Videographer, had made a special surgery video for Lexi’s kyphosis surgery, which he recently edited and completed.  Lexi is the teenager from Maryland who plays lacrosse and had the severe kyphosis we fixed for her.

Her folks sent this note:  

“Dr. Hey — thank you for the amazing video — we were truly impressed not only the videographer, but with your skill and passion.  We heard you love Starbucks…. ENJOY!   PS  Share one with your wife who shares you with us!”
— Michele and Mark

Enclosed there were two Starbucks cards for $25 each!
This is Awesome!

If there is one thing I enjoy is a good cup of coffee.  Actually I enjoy even not-so-good cups of coffee.  When I was at MIT as an undergrad, I definitely got into “coffee mode”, making  a fresh pot after dinner at my fraternity, pouring a fresh cup into my favorite mug, then heading back up to my room to battle through the long problem sets, with my swing lamp in position, and sharp-tipped pencils and pens and calculator at the ready.  

During medical school, coffee continued to be key… And into residency.
Mass General had a famous coffee pot in their emergency department.  It was indestructable stainless steel.  The coffee was really lousy, but it was always there — any time.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital had an Au Bon Pain in their main lobby.  Awesome coffee and maybe some bread or muffin to start the day.  

While on faculty at “Big Duke”, I would often meet with residents, fellows and medical students over coffee at the Café’ Oasis in main cafeteria.  Latte’s for some, straight coffee for me usually.

My physician assistants know the way to my heart is coffee.  If they want to get me psyched up for our big Friday clinic, one of them will bring me a big cup and surprise me on morning rounds.  

Many thanks to Michele and Mark for your kind gift.  We’ll let Stephen know how much you liked the video he produced for Lexi.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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