7 yo 9 month yo young lady with Rett’s Syndrome and 81 degree progessive Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS) Fixed this morning

We’ve been following this wonderful young lady and her family for past couple years with rapidly progressive early onset scoliosis.

This morning, we got her straightened up.  Treatment options considered included growing rod, Shilla Technique vs. definitive instrumentation and fusion.  After considering this patient’s specific clinical presentation, biological age, and other factors with the mom and dad, they opted for a definitive instrumentation and fusion with some new innovations in scoliosis correction.

Little Quinna did great this  morning.
Surgical time:  3 hours 40 minutes
EBL:  400 cc.
Blood transfused: none.

Complications:  None.

We got a really nice correction, and she is now just waking up and breathing on her own, so they are extubating her here in the operating room!  I think the parents will be very happy.

Time to go out and see her parents here at WakeMed Children’s Hospital, not far from our Hey Clinic office in North Raleigh, right next to Duke Raleigh Hospital.

Great morning.  Team did great.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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