66 yo woman from Princeton, NJ with severe progressive thoracolumbar scolioisis. Hey Clinic Surgery April 7 2008

Mary is a delightful woman from Princeton, NJ who has been suffering with severe progressive scoliosis for many years.  She had been told there was no hope / no cure for her problem, and her pain continued to increase.  She travelled 468 miles down from Princeton to see us a couple months ago, after hearing about Hey Clinic through a physician friend who heard one of my lectures last year.

Her X-Rays done at Hey Clinic showed a 56 degree lumbar collapsing scoliosis with a fairly large thoracic curve above that, and Lateral X-Ray showing fairly significan loss of lumbar lordosis.
This past Monday, I performed a posterior T4-Iliac Wing reconstruction, using titanium pedicle screw and rod instrumentation, multiple lumbar osteotomies and laminectomies, and bone grafting.
Surgical time: 5 hours 30 minutes
Estimated Blood Loss:  2100 cc
Cell Saver given back to patient: 875 cc
Blood transfused:  1 unit PRBC
Complications: none.
Scoliosis Correction:  55 degrees preop to 33 degrees intra-op. Lumbar lordosis also restored.
Postoperative course:  doing well with physical and occupational therapy.  Some intermittent nausea.  Her standing posture is excellent, and she walks well with small amount of assistance.
Discharge likely Monday, staying locally for a couple weeks before heading back to NJ.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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