6 yo Halle explains how to fix scoliosis at Hey Clinic Today

After six year old Halle explained to us what was wrong with grandma’s spine with the scoliosis, and the likely cause for her pain, she then explained to us how SHE thought this scoliosis could be treated!

She used her hands to explain how the spine was collapsing, and how it could be shifted and stabilized, and put back into better alignment.

The rest of us in the room, including me, Halle’s dad and Grandma, and my physician’s assistant sat in Wonder!

She just blew us away today!!! Watch out Doogie!! You’ve got competition.

Halle and her folks gave their permission to share this precious video and story with all of you.

Thanks for sharing Halle!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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