Caring for your Incision

Caring for your Incision from our Physician Assistant Kristina Stanson

“I believe scars are like memories that tell a story on your body, that remind you of how strong you had to be, and that you survived to talk about it. Your scars are a way of communicating, and sharing a trauma can be healing in so many ways – it can release the stigma you might have given to yourself, and by talking about it, you can show people how they can heal too.” – Princess Eugenie of York

As people are making the decision to proceed with spine surgery, we are often asked about the incision. “Will my scar be prominent? How big will it be? What type of sutures do you use?  How do I care for the incision?”

For scoliosis surgery, one midline incision is made that extends the length of the fusion. Dr. Hey and the PAs are highly experienced in suturing and use plastic surgery techniques to achieve excellent cosmetic results.  We use dissolvable sutures that are placed under the skin, eliminating the need for suture removal. On top of the skin we place Dermabond, which is a surgical skin glue that provides a waterproof barrier. Next, we place Steri strips perpendicular to the incision as an extra layer of support. The wound is then covered with a thin layer of sterile gauze attached via Tegaderm (clear tape).

The gauze and Tegaderm can be removed a few days after surgery. The Steri strips should be removed at two weeks post-op. They may fall off before then, and if so, they do not need to be replaced. Initially the incision may appear pink, but it should continue to fade over time. Each patient will heal at their own rate and in their own way.

Follow these guidelines to help your incision heal:

  • Eat a high protein diet.
  • Do not scratch the incision! Itching is a normal, though admittedly annoying, part of the healing process. An anti-histamine like Benadryl can help relieve the itching, as can the application of ice.
  • Do not submerge the incision in water for the first 2-3 weeks after surgery. It is ok to shower and get the incision wet, but avoid direct water pressure on the incision. Gently pat the wound dry.
  • Notify Hey Clinic of any wound drainage. Depending on the amount of drainage, it may be stopped with the application of pressure dressings, more Dermabond, or sutures. We will advise you as to the appropriate treatment.
  • Do not put ointments, creams, lotions, etc on the incision until you are seen for your 3 week post-op visit.
  • Avoid bright sun. If you must be in the sun, use sunscreen or a sun shirt to prevent hyperpigmentation of the scar. This is especially important during the first year after surgery.
  • Do not smoke! Smoking negatively impacts and delays wound healing.

With proper care, we hope your scar will be one you are proud to show off! We love seeing pictures of our patients enjoying their improved posture and quality of life.  Princess Eugenie, who underwent scoliosis surgery as a young girl, specifically designed her wedding dress to feature her scar. You too can wear your scar as a badge of honor!

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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