36 yo gentleman from Kentucky sp adolescent scoliosis instrumentation and fusion down t L4 w severe flat back syndrome fixed today

Procedure: anterior L45, L5S1 ALIF instrumentation and fusion, then posterior Smith Peterson osteotomies w extension instrumentation and fusion down to ilium.

Surgical time:  90 minutes anterior, then 5 hour ad 10 min posterior.

Lordosis flat back correction: excellent.
EBL: 2100 cc.
Blood transfused: none.

This technique is nice alternative to pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) when Harrington rod or other instrumentation fusion patients have adjacent level degeneration and failure w loss of disc height, pain, and kyphotic posture.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

One Comment
  1. susan maderic, md

    Looks like a masterpiece to me. You are a blessing to my brother. Can't wait to see him have better days.

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