I just received a beautiful letter from a guest of Hey Clinic I just had to share!
This is one of the remarkable reasons I became a surgeon-Thanks Kara and to your wonderful family as well-Keep Dancing-Dr. Hey

“Dr. Hey,
This a link to a video of Kara doing a dress rehearsal for her dance solo this year.  The dance is based on her journey this year with her surgery.  I want to thank you and all of your staff for making this possible.  5 months ago when she went in for surgery I really had my doubts that she would be up and dancing this quickly.  She learned this dance in December just 2 months after her surgery.  Her teachers are amazed at what she is doing.  Hope you enjoy.  Thank you again for what you do for everyone that suffers like she was. We are so grateful for Hey Clinic!!”

3320 Wake Forest Rd Ste 450 Raleigh, NC 27609




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