18 yo Emily gets very straight after scoliosis surgery this week

This past Tuesday, Emily from western North Carolina came to see us with her family to get her double curve scoliosis straightened up.
As shown in photos above, she got an excellent correction of her double curve scoliosis.
Her lower thoracolumbar curve was slightly stiff during surgery, but I was still able to get an excellent correction with the help of a small osteotomy, or removal of bone wedge at the apex of the curve.  Her curve was still MUCH more flexible than the older adult patients I have treated with the same curve.  It’s a sad truth: the older we get, the stiffer we get!  When treated at a younger age, we not only get a better correction, but often more disc spaces below the fusion can be spared, and the discs below can last longer, with the loads above centered better.

Emily did very well during surgery.
Her evoked potential motor and sensory function remained normal throughout surgery.
She did not require any blood transfusions.
Her surgery took around 3 hours.
She went to recovery room (PACU) for a while and then was able to go to a large private room with her parents waiting for her.
Her mom and dad and good friends met me in the conference room right after surgery, and both said “WOW!” when they saw the new, straight Emily X-Ray.
Postoperatively, she did very well and went home yesterday after 3 days in the hospital.
I just talked to Emily and her mom on the phone, and it sounds like she is making very good progress.

Have a speedy recovery, Emily, and a great summer!

Lloyd A Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

Note: At Hey Clinic, we respect our guest’s privacy, but also allow sharing to encourage others, and allow others in the greater community to learn.
Emily and her parents gladly share this Blog entry with attached photos with friends and family and others who visit our Hey Clinic Blog, as confirmed with them June 14 2008.

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