11 yo Micah has Double Curve Scoliosis fixed and goes home after 3 nights in the hospital

After Emily’s surgery in the morning, I got together with Micah and his parents in preop as shown above.
Micah is 11, and has had a rapidly progressive double curve scoliosis.
His surgery went very well, with a T6-L3 instrumentation and fusion, and excellent correction of his deformity.
I used our laminar flow operating room with “moon suits” and special preps and drapes.
Brittany, one of my two excellent physician assistants helped as my assistant during surgery, as well as my usual hospital OR team, including circulating nurse, and two scrub techs, and X-Ray tech.
Evoked potential monitoring was also used, and was normal throughout surgery.
He did well during surgery with 1100 cc blood loss just like Emily in the morning, and blood returned to her as cell saver.
He did not require any blood transfusions, and his surgery was around 3 hours.
Right after surgery, I got to share his new X-Rays with his mom and dad in the conference room just outside the operating room.
He did not require an ICU stay, and his parents were both able to stay with him in the large private room with 2 beds.
Micah did very well after surgery, and is quite a bit taller.  He received lots of great care from the nursing staff who love to take care of all of our patients, but have a special place in their hearts for our younger scoliosis patients.  Micah participated in Physical and Occupational Therapy twice a day.
His large preop humps in the thoracic and lumbar area are now gone, and he stands with excellent balance.

Micah went home this morning with his parents doing well.
God has answered many prayers for Micah and his family this week.

Get well soon Micah!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

Note: At Hey Clinic, we respect our guest’s privacy, but also allow sharing to encourage others, and allow others in the greater community to learn.
Micah’s parents gladly share this Blog entry with attached photos with friends and family and others who visit our Hey Clinic Blog, as confirmed with them June 13 2008 9pm.  

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